affiliate marketing

Saturday 10 December 2011

Selection sort

Selection sort
            Let A be an array of n elements A[1], A[2], …., A[n]. Our aim is to sort the numbers in the array in ascending order. The steps are as follows
1)      Find the smallest element position in the list A[1], A[2], …., A[n] say k1 and interchange the values A[1] and A[k1]
2)      Find the smallest element position in the list A[2], A[3], ….., A[n] say k2 and interchange the values A[2] and A[k2].
3)      Find the smallest element position in the list A[3], A[4], ….., A[n] say k3 and then interchange the values A[3] and A[k3]
4)      Find the smallest element position in the list A[n-1] and A[n] say kn-1 and then interchange the values A[n] and A[kn-1].
Example -        Sort the array A using selection sort
                        A = (43, 72, 10, 23, 80, 1, 75)
Step    A[1]    A[2]     A[3]    A[4]    A[5]    A[6]    A[7]    POS
1           43       72         10        23       80        1         75        6
              1        72         10        23       80       43        75    interchange A[1] & A[6]
2            1        72         10        23       80       43        75         3
              1        10         72        23       80       43        75    interchange A[2] & A[3]
3            1        10         72        23       80       43        75         4
              1        10         23        72       80       43        75    interchange A[3] & A[4]
4            1        10         23        72       80       43        75         6
              1        10         23        43       80       72        75    interchange A[4] & A[6]
5            1        10         23        43       80       72        75         6
              1        10         23        43       72       80        75   interchange A[5] & A[6]
6            1        10         23        43       72       80        75          7
              1        10         23        43       72       75        80   interchange A[6] & A[7]
                                   Sorted List 

            selection(A, N)
                        for i = 1 to n do
                        min = A[i] ;
                        k = i ;
                        for j = i + 1 to n do
                          if (min > A[j]) then
                        min = A[j] ;
                        k = j ;
                        A[k] = A[i] ;
                        A[i] = min ;
            Let f(n) be the number of comparison required. Then
            F(n) = (n-1) + (n-2) + …….. + 1

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