affiliate marketing

Saturday 10 December 2011


            Merging is a process of combining two or more sorted arrays into a single sorted array.
            Suppose A[m] and B[n] are two sorted arrays. Merging is a process of combining these two arrays into a single sorted array C[m+n]. Steps to be followed are
i)                    Scan both arrays left to right
ii)                  Compare A[1] with B[1]. If A[1] is less than B[1] put A[1] as C[1] and compare A[2] with B[1] and so on, else put B[1] as C[1] and compare A[1] with B[2] and so on.
iii)                Repeat step ii until any one array becomes empty.
iv)                If A array becomes empty, store all the remaining B array elements in the same order in the C array. Besides store all the remaining A array elements in the same order in the B array.
            merge (A, B, C, m, n)
                        pa = 1 ;     // Start index of A
                        pb = 1 ;    // Start index of B
                        pc = 1 ;    // Start index of C
                        while (pa≤ m && pb≤ n) do    // both arrays are non-empty
                        If (A[pa] < B[pb]) then
                                    C[pc] = A[pa] ;
                                    pa= pa + 1 ;
                                    C[pc] = B[pb] ;
                                    pb = pb + 1 ;
                                    pc = pc + 1 ;
                        while (pb ≤ n) do    // Array B is non-empty
                                    C[pc] = B[pb] ;
pb = pb + 1 ;
pc = pc + 1 ;

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