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Saturday 10 December 2011

Radix sort

Radix sort
            Let a be an array of n numbers. Our aim is to sort this array in ascending order using radix sort. The steps to be followed are
i)                    Initialize ten queues namely q[0], q[1], ………, q[9]. That is set rear [i] = front [i] = NULL for all I = 0, 1, 2, ……,9.
ii)                  Scan the array from left to right and find the least significant digit for all array elements.
iii)                If it is 0, push the number in q[0]; if it is 1, push the number in q[1],….., and if it is 9, push the number in q[9].
iv)                After pushing all the elements in the respective queues, pop up the data from 0th queue to 9th queue and restore in the array a.
v)                  Again scan the array from left to right and find the second least significant digit for all array elements.
vi)                Repeats steps (iii) and (iv)
The repetition of the above process depends upon the width of the maximum element in the array. That is if the maximum width of the array element is 3, then scan the array three times and find the 1st least significant digit and 3rd least significant digit.

            Sort the given array elements in ascending order. Suppose the numbers in the array are
            a[1] = 252       a[2] = 570     a[3] = 480    a[4] = 377   a[5] = 120   a[6] = 902

i)                    Initialize 10 queues
Rear[0] = front[0] = NULL
Rear[1] = front[1] = NULL
                        Rear[9] = front[9] = NULL

             ii)        Scan the array from left to right and find the first least significant digit of each number and push each number in the respective queues as shown below .

            radixsort ( a, n)    // a- given array , n – size of the array
                define queue q[10] ;   // already defined queue
                max = a[1] ;
               for i = 1 to n do     // to find the maximum
               if ( max < a[i]) then     // number in the array
               max = a[i] ;
                w = 0 ;
                    while ( max > 0) do     // to find the width of the maximum number
                    max = max / 10 ;
                        w =w + 1 ;
                        for k = 1 to w do {
                        for I = 0 to n-1 do
                                    l = (a[i] / pow(10 , k-1)) % 10 ;
                                    push (q[l] , a[i]) ;
                                    j =0 ;
                                    for i = 0 to 9 do    // to restore the elements from queue to array
                        { while ( front[i] = rear[i] = NULL)
                        a[j] = pop(q[i]) ;
                        j = j + 1 ;

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