affiliate marketing

Saturday 10 December 2011

Merge sort

Merge sort
            Let a be an array of n numbers. Our aim is to sort this array in ascending order using merge sort. The steps to be followed are
i)                    Divide the array into n sub arrays with size 1.
ii)                  Merge adjacent pair of sub arrays [a[1]] and [a[2]], [a[3]] and [a[4]], …….,
[a[n-1]] and [a[n]]. Now we will get a n/2 sorted sub arrays of size 2 or less.
iii)                Merge adjacent pairs of sub arrays [a[1]] and [a[2]], [a[3]] and [a[4]], ……., [a[n-3]], [a[n-2]] and [a[n-1
iv)                Repeat this process until ther]], [a[n]]. Now we will get a n/4 sorted sub arrays of size 4 or less.e is only one sub array of size n.
Now this array will be in sorted order
            Sort the given array of numbers in ascending order. Suppose the numbers in the array a are

            merge (a, n)    // a – given array,  n – size of the array
                        L = 1 ;  // Initial size of the sub array
            while (L ≤ n) do // size of sub array should be less than n
                        low 1 = 1 ;  //   first element location in the first sub array.
                        k = 1 ;
                        while (low 1 + L ≤ n) do  // to check whether merge is possible
                        low 2 = low 1 + L ;  // to find the second sub array of size L
                        high 1 = low 2 – 1;
                        if ( low 2 + L-1 ≤ n) then
                        high 2 = low 2 + L-1 ;
                        high 2 = n-1 ;
                        i = low 1 ;
                        j = low 2 ;
                         while ( i≤ high 1 && j ≤ high 2) do
                           if( a[i] < a[j] then
            {    b[k] = a[j] ; k= k + i ; i= i+1 ; }
                        {  b[k] = a[j] ; k=k+1 ; j=j+1 ;}
            while( i≤ high 1) do      // if second sub array becomes empty, copy the remaining                  
            { a[k] = a[i] ;                           //elements from first sub array to array b
                        k = k+1 ;
                        i = i+1 ;
                        while (j≤ high 2) do   //if first sub array becomes empty,
                        {  b[k] = a[j] ;              // copy the remaining elements from
                        k = k+1 ; j = j+1 ;
                        low 1 = high 2 + 1;   // second sub array to array b
                        i = low 1;
                                    while ( k ≤ n) do      // to check whether all elements in
                                    {   b[k] = a[i] ;    // array a are compared and copied in b
                                    k = k+1 ; i= i+1 ;
                        for i = 1 to n do // to copy the elements from b
                        a[i] = b[i] ;   // array to a array to repeat the above process
                        L = 2 * L ;    // to change the size of the sub array.

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