affiliate marketing

Monday 12 December 2011


16 marks:
1. Write a short note on
   (I) Nested transactions and locks
   (II) Explain concurrency control in Distributed Transactions
2. (I) describe the time stamp ordering technique for transactions.
   (II) Explain the two phases commit protocol for nested transactions.
3. (I) Explain the Distributed dead locks in detail.
    (II) Explain the Optimistic concurrency in Distributed Transactions.
4. Explain any one algorithm for Mutual Exclusions and Election algorithm.
2 Marks:
1.      Define the terms, “Physical clocks and logical clocks”.
2.      List out issues of Multicasting Communication.
3.      What is ACID?
4.      List the functions of a recovery manager for transactions.
5.      Write a note on Time Stamp Ordering with an example.
6.      What is concurrency control?

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